What we do

Basketball in the Barrio

Learn more about Basketball in the Barrio

The Invitation

Journey with a group of women living with autoimmune disease as they face their new normal and choose not to just survive, but thrive. This is a

Resilient Her: Navigating Leadership Challenges with Confidence

Join us for Resilient Her: Navigating Leadership Challenges with Confidence, an empowering 90-minute workshop designed to inspire and equip women

Statement - International Financing for Development

Elements of an Inclusive Global Financing Model: Leveraging Human Rights, Sustainability, and Technology for Equitable Development   The financi

The Need for Goals and Targets to Achieve Justice for People of African Descent - UN Permanent Forum

My name is Barbara Horne, and I represent the AUP, an NGO under the United Nations ECOSOC, particularly within our Coalition for Economic Justic

Care Cypher

After days of insightful and intense discussions at CSW 68, the women of H+ | The Hip-Hop Dance Conservatory, Evo Sports Collective, and Athletes

Sports Peace and Politics

Statement on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace:An Imperative for the Future The world stands at a precipice, teetering between escalating challe

The Blue Print Goals in Achieveing Economic Justice for People of African Descent (formerly the Blueprint)

From May 5th, 2023 United Nations Experts on People of African Descent, Geneva Video

Virtual informal consultation with Member States and Civil Society - Permanent Forum on People of African descent

Virtual informal consultation with Member States and Civil Society Here in the link to view the consultations: http://webtv.un.org/search/permane

Girls Must Play

Athletes United for Peace is excited to participate in CSW - the 63rd Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations. For the last f

Racing Towards Gender Equality

IOC and UN Women Host Panel on “Racing Towards Gender Equality” Guest speaker Donna de Varona Two-time Olympic gold medalist in swimming, Emmy-wi

Sip and Chat

3rd AUP CSW Sip and Chat Time to talk ideas, challenges and solutions. L – R Barbara, Richard – CSW 62 Rally Committee, Sonia, Nadia, Nathalia De

Celebrating the Achievements of Women Worldwide

"The NGO CSW Forum Rally is an important way to celebrate the successes of the international women’s movement and the fight to end poverty and vi

International Women's Conference CSW 62

Athletes United for Peace CSW 62 Leadership Delegation will be attending The Commission on the Status of Women March 12th - March 23rd at the Uni

Achieving Peace through Education and Sport

Achieving Peace through Education and Sport 56th Session of the Commission for Social Development Strategies for eradicating poverty to achieve s

Sport as a Catalyst for Building Resilient and Prosperous Societies

Sport as a Catalyst for Building Resilient and Prosperous Societies 56th Session of the Commission for Social Development Strategies for eradicat

Girls Basketball in Chicago

"When they go low we go high" ~ Michelle Obama Self-Respect, Focus, Hard work

Hoops for Peace Chicago...

DATE: December 9th and 10th LOCATION: Collins Academy High School 1313 S. Sacramento Dr. Chicago, IL 60623 The Hoops for Peace Classic provides

Heartland Harvest Run

Great lake Michigan, Sunday November 18th, 2017

Ethics of Reciprocity

"This meeting will combine dialogue, testimony, and discussion with the aim of addressing the challenges faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transge

Ex-NFL anthem protestor applauds Colin Kaepernick and athletes supporting him

"Before Colin Kaepernick, one NFL player silently protested the national anthem, and it was closer to the time that Tommie Smith and John Carlos

Moscow Baseball

Moscow Baseball Team A delegation of US athletes with Athletes United for Peace showed up for a ball game in Moscow. Here the Soviet ballplayers

Heat of the Summer 5K

Heat of the Summer 5K Fun Run along the beautiful shore of Lake Michigan

Art and Athleticism at the UN

Art and Athleticism at the UN

For former Marshall coach, basketball helps reassemble a shattered life

Read Updates on Shawn Harrington: Shawn Harrington and Patrick Beverley have a West Side upbringing and Marshall High School basketball in common

Possibilities for America’s Most Vulnerable Women

Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Changing World of Work New Economic Possibilities for America’s Most Vulnerable Women Athletes United for Pe


Athletes United for Peace participated in the NGO CSW WOMEN’S RIGHTS RALLY Thursday March 16th, 2017. Looking forward to CSW 2018.

Basketball in the Barrio set for 31st year - Mini Dribblers

The camp has always been affiliated with Athletes United for Peace, a national non-profit organization that is in Berkeley, Calif., Chicago, El P

World Harmony Run - 100 Countries, 6 Continents, 70,000 km, Billions of Hearts...

One of our noted guests was Dr Phil Shinnick, founder of Athletes United for Peace, and a UNESCO Good Will Ambassador. As a long-jump champion in

Peace and Security and the Role of Young Women

"Militarism and Militarization, we should always speak up and work against it" "Development is not possible [without] or achievable without peace

Lee Evans hopes to sell Gold Medals (DONE)

"Evans, the San Jose State runner who won gold medals in the 400 meters and the 1,600 relay in Mexico City, said he hopes to raise $250,000 from

Nicaragua Delegation on the Bus

Delegation Reading On the Bus Athletes United for Peace delegation reading Heartland Journal on tour bus, Baseball Peace Tour, Nicaragua 1987