Facing Challenges - Finding Sustainable Solutions

Tell us your thoughts? Let's keep the conversaton going around solutions to the challenges we face.

Possibilities for America’s Most Vulnerable Women

Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Changing World of Work New Economic Possibilities for America’s Most Vulnerable Women

Athletes United for Peace Statement for the 2017 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

Peace and Security and the Role of Young Women

"Militarism and Militarization, we should always speak up and work against it" "Development is not possible [without] or achievable without peace but neither peace or development are conceivable without women"


- L - Sophie Giscard D’Estaing,  Policy Analyst, Peace and Security, UN Women

- HE Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury, Former Under-Secretary-General of United Nations, Initiator of UNSCR 1325 as President of the Security Council in March 2000, Founder of the Global Movement for the Culture of Peace

Lee Evans hopes to sell Gold Medals (DONE)

"Evans, the San Jose State runner who won gold medals in the 400 meters and the 1,600 relay in Mexico City, said he hopes to raise $250,000 from the sale of both medals to help build a school in Liberia.
'I don’t need the medals,” he said by telephone from Nigeria. 'I need money to build the school.' "

Actions Against Athletics Federation of Nigeria

Elliott Almond | The Mercury News
